Sunday, January 30, 2011

#55 Start Taking Vitamins

Now that I've finished one of the things on my list I need to pick something new to do!  So I'm going to go with an easy one: start taking those vitamins.  That'll make my mom happy.  And my doctor (if I had one...eek, there's another one on the list that needs to be taken care of...)  Now, I just have to find some time to get to Target and buy these:

I hear that they are quite good so I'm sort of looking forward to them.

#38 Read Gone With the Wind

Well, I did it!  I finally finished Gone with the Wind.  It was really hard for me to get into this book and as a result I was reading it on and off since about the first of the year.  Actually I was about 17 pages in at some point before Christmas, but returned it to the library because I started reading something else.  That is something I NEVER do, so you have to realize just how hard it was for me to get into this book!  

I just hated Scarlett and I can't take it when authors go on for paragraphs and pages with descriptions of land and other boring things.  And that's exactly what Margaret Mitchell does in the beginning of the novel.  And then she picked a completely unlikeable heroine which is really gutsy but didn't make starting this book any easier.  It took me around 300 pages or something like that to really get into the book.  I think when Rhett Butler first appeared I began to like it.  I kept thinking to myself, why does everyone love this book?!  It's so boring and reading the black vernacular was KILLING me!  I couldn't even figure out what they were saying half the time.  Plus, I would only read at home because I wasn't about to drag around a thousand plus page book around with me everywhere.  

Anyway...with all that said, I'm really glad that I read this book!  I kept thinking about Scarlett and Rhett when I wasn't reading and even after I was finished reading.  This is really amazing historical fiction.  You really got a sense of what life was like during the Civil War and Reconstruction.  I loved the characters and the character development.  I especially came to love Rhett, Melanie and Mammy.  

As I was finishing this book, I thought to myself, there's no way she's going to be able to wind this book up.  How will she do it?  No, this can't really be the end.  But it was.  And she finished it in the perfect way too.  So I was actually pleased with the ending.  I can't wait to watch the movie now!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

At Home Facial!

At home facial and epsom salt bath from Metamorphosis of Me

This should be nice to do when I'm attempting to keep my nails painted.  I'll have my own little spa.  If my house EVER closes...not looking too good right now =(
To get started you will need:
  • Epson Salt
  • Chamomille Tea Bags
  • 1 Lemon
  • Coconut Oil or Mild Facial Cleanser
  • Organic Honey (regular will work too)
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Plain Yogurt or Sour Cream
  • Moisturizer
  • Washcloth or Facial Sponge
  • Hand Towel
  • Large Towel
Let's start with the Epson Salt Bath First:
Make your bath experience as peaceful and relaxing for you as possible. For some this may be a book and a glass of wine. For others it may be calm music and scented candles and for some it may be nothing at all. Heck, for some it may be rocking out to Metallica :) I chose scented candles and a cup of chamomille tea.
Before filling your bath, place about 4 cups of Epson salt into the bath and fill the bath with warm water. Let yourself relax and enjoy your bath!
Epson salt is believed to withdraw toxins from the body, relieve swelling and relax muscles. This is just a time for you to sit back and relax.
Once the bath is complete move on to the facial.
At home facial:
  1. First start by cleansing the face. I prefer coconut oil (coconut oil is actually a solid and needs to be warmed in the microwave). Typically you fight and oily face with oil. If you have makeup on or have a naturally oily face- your typical mild cleanser will work. Rub oil or cleanser all over face and rinse with warm water/ you can use wash cloth to remove oil. Pat dry face with hand towel.
  2. Take 3 cups of water and place in pot on stove with 3 chamomille tea bags. Cut the lemon and squeeze the juice into the lemon and let it boil. Once water is boiling remove it from stove and let sit for about a minute. I placed the pot on a towel and sat at the kitchen table for the next step...
  3. Taking the pot, sit at the table and place your face over the pot with the large towel over your head. Let the steam absorb your face and breath in the chamomille tea. Sit under the towel for about 10 minutes. (Yes, you will want to sweat :).
  4. This step can vary for some people....but after you dry your face from the steam take 2 of the wet teabags and place in the freezer, you can either move forward to step 5 or you can take a pimple extractor and extract the blackheads on your face. This works best freshly after the steam.
  5. Next, time to exfoliate!! Take about 2 TBSP's of honey and about a teaspoon of sugar and make it into a paste. Take the paste and scrub it over your face sloughing up the dead skin cells. Use the washcloth or facial sponge to wipe away paste.
  6. Now on to our mask! Take the yogurt or sour cream and place it all over your face, take the teabags out of the freezer, go lie down on your bed or couch and relax for about 5-10 minutes.
  7. Come back, wet the washcloth with warm water and remove the yogurt or sour cream. Once your face is clean of the mask, pat dry with a towel.
  8. Lastly, moisturize your face with your favorite moisturizer.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Picking Out Pictures

Well, I've succeeded in narrowing the pictures down from over 600 to 374.  That means I still need to delete 314 pictures.  But how can you get rid of pictures like this?

or this?

I'm just having such a hard time picking one picture over another!

#47 Watch 20 new-to-me movies

Well, I can update the blog already.  Cliff and I watched a movie last night/this morning (happy new year, by the way).  We decided to watch The Bounty Hunter.  A little Jennifer Aniston never hurt anybody.  Hubs was even the one to suggest it!  It was relatively painless but it was also much too long...1hr 50, about 40 mins too long for me.  Cliff fell asleep and I don't even remember most of the conclusion because I was just waiting for the movie to end.  Funny thing is, before we picked the movie, Cliff said it was rated a 3.4 for me and we were talking about how Netflix usually knows me pretty well and I'd probably end up giving it a 3.  Well, when he looked at it, instead of looking at what Netflix thought I'd rate the movie, he looked at what the average rating for the movie was.  Guess what?  It said I'd give it a 2.  And yeah, I gave it a 2.  Man, Netflix, you just know me so well!  Anyway, it wasn't a bad movie, it just wasn't a great movie, or even an okay was a meh movie.  Oh well, at least that's one more movie that's going towards my total movies watched!  

I put #47 on the 101 list because even though I have a Netflix account, I tend to end up watching TV series instead of movies or movies I've already seen and know I like.  So 1 down, 19 to go.  Oh, and I decided that if I reach this goal really early this year, I might have to up the goal to like 100 or something.  Who knows, only time will tell!