Sunday, November 13, 2011


Well, I think it's time for an update.  This won't be an exciting one but whatever.  I just want to do it.  So I am. 

 I went to another book signing.  It was for Tomie DePaola and I won the door prize!  I never win anything!  The millions of kids were going nuts and I wanted to smack them or their parents but luckily, I stopped myself.  My friend Kate was there and I don't often hang out with her.  Not really sure why, but it was nice to see her for a little bit (though it was sort of hard  to concentrate on our conversation because of the little girls nearby who were running around like wild beasts while their parents looked on and ignored their behavior.  Well, okay then!)  So I now have 2 signed copies of Strega Nona's Gift thanks to Kate who got to the B&N at a normal time and got a good spot as opposed to me who arrived just before the event began and would have had pretty much the last spot in line.  So, she had the books signed and we went to eat in the food court.  I still got to talk to Tomie for a second because he congratulated me on winning the door prize lol that was the extent of our conversation.
Tomie: Congratulations!
Me: Thanks!

Still, I talked to him for a second and honestly, I looked like a hot mess than night so I didn't really need to immortalize our meeting in digital form for all eternity.

Okay, what else?  I bought a really cute apron a  long time ago.  I never wear it.  It's really cute though.  Maybe I should start wearing it?  Maybe I'll wear it when I make my contribution to Thanksgiving, these Red Velvet Cakeballs from Bakerellla.  I made them once for some family event and now they are apparently my specialty.  Well, that's all well and good except for the fact that they take quite a long time to make because of the steps involved.  It's like making 3 desserts in one!  Seriously, it's a time commitment.  But when my Aunt Joyce asked me to make them, how could I turn her down?  She's like 70 (wow, seriously? I didn't really realize that til just now) and she's mostly blind and partly deaf and she doesn't ask me for very much and makes a delicious chicken soup that I'm already looking forward to.  Well, anyway, I'll survive.  I'll make those cakeballs and they'll be delicious and maybe I'll even wear that apron when I make them.

Um, I kind of have a book area.  I have like 5, plus like 56 million kid books in the attic.  So does that count?  No, I need to organize things better.  Why doesn't it get done?  Because I'd rather be reading my books than organizing them.  Maybe one day it'll be better organized.  I keep saying when the damn basement apartment is finally done I'll get everything organized but honestly, when I have to live with the living room looking like such a freakin mess, how can I bother with the little mess in my little office area that I hardly ever use.  Why is that?  Annnnnyway, I need some more book shelves.  Maybe that's what I'll get for Christmas.  That'd be a good thing to get, right?  I also sort of cleaned my closet, but I haven't called anyone to come pick them up.  I don't actually know where those cleaned out closet clothes went to.  Probably threw them in the mess in the living room.  Ugh, seriously, who has a refrigerator in their living room?  Apparently, we do.  And I walk by the stupid thing every day.  So frustrating.  I just have to stop thinking about it.  Grrr

We are SO close to getting the stupid certification thing finished.  My school is just as much of a mess and a pain in the ass as the stupid state ed office apparently.  None of them know what the hell is going on.  NONE OF THEM.  And that's not good because it's not information that's easily accessible for me.  FRUSTRATION I've only been working full time as a teacher for FOUR YEARS now.  But, who needs a certificate anyway.  Riiiiiight

Book reading goal of the year, not looking good. I think I set my sights too high and I didn't read enough this summer.  I picked some real stinkers for my prime reading time and I just couldn't get through as many books as I should have.  Plus working summer school threw a wrench in my prime reading time too.  Blah

I DID finish a Book Club Challenge though!  And I think I should finish this latest one too!  Hooray for me!  I'm no good at picking tasks though so I just want to finish but not pick a task.  That, or have a strike of genius or something. 

I watched the Replacement Bureau with Matt Damon.  God, what a good actor, seriously.  Anyway, it was pretty good.  I think I gave it 4 stars.

I saw Water for Elephants with Reese Witherspoon.  Not as good as the book.  But I do still love Reese.  The Help, now that was a good movie adaptation.  Read that and then go see the movie if you haven't already.

Haven't looked at the 1001 books list in forever.  Probably should take a glance at that seeing as I said I was going to read 20 of them.  Enh, whatever.

I'll update the movies I've watched because then I can check of the 20 new movie thing soon.

Also I think we'll be visiting a new country sometime soon if I get my wish and figure out what island nation I'd like to visit during my Winter break in February.  Suggestions welcome.  I think a US Virgin Island will be most likely though.

I've been thinking of starting to do some sit ups.  So I think I'm going to make that my goal for right now.

I think I might have lost 5 pounds but I'm not sure because my scale's been without a battery for quite some time.  That's totally Cliff's job but it's not looking like it's going to happen anytime soon.

I sort of grew a garden, but the deer were not kind to it.  Damn deer, I have my coyote pee ready for you next year.  Seriously.

Um the painting thing is going to get going again very soon now that the drywall is finished downstairs.  Hooray.  I already did this like 2 months ago, and just can't get over how much fun it was.  UGH

I didn't have to paint my parents' rooms because my mom paid a painter.  Hooray!  It's no longer the blue house of doom!  Still, it needs some more work.  But whatever, not my problem as much as her problem...

Ha it's sad how many things I know I'm not going to do at this point.  Oh well, such is life I guess!

Weekly Menu (2)

Sunday: Breaded Chicken Cutlets and Parmesan orzo

Monday:   french onion soup with salad--never got to this one last week

Tuesday:  Chicken Pot Pie

Wednesday: leftovers

Thursday: pizza

Friday: dinner with the Shaws!!