Thursday, October 4, 2012

Random Confession

Confession: I really have no idea what I'm doing on this here blog thing.  Things are going on and I'm keeping better track of my 101 things but I'm not writing about it.  Why? Because I think it'd be boring and I'm probably right. Basically, right now I have a lot of time on my hands and random projects I'm doing.  I'm attempting to redo the master bedroom, refinish a bunch of furniture, add little nicknack sort of decorative things, and hang out with my sister-in-law, aunt and their various children.  Oh, and look for a job.  I have come to the point where my self-imposed unemployment must end because I could really get used to this however, I feel guilty when I buy things (random decorative things cough Homegoods cough) or when I suggest doing things which cost money (redo bathroom).

So, I'll talk about the thing I'm exceptionally excited about.  Our NEW CAMERA.  That's right, we got a Nikon 5100 or as I like to refer to it, my fancy pants camera.  Yes, we're all about the technical terms here.  It's our early Christmas present.  We thought it'd be better to have the camera to take pictures of the big things coming up (weddings and holidays) rather than wait for Christmas day.  Plus, Cliff found a great deal.

Anyway, even though I have no idea how to REALLY use it, I'm very very excited about it.  I haven't been this excited about a purchase in a long time...probably not since January when I got my iPhone.  So, anyway, this camera is so amazing.  Even though I don't really know how to take proper photographs (besides point and shoot and a vague idea about composition) I have been able to already take some pretty good shots of Cooper.  He's an excellent model.  I'm looking forward to this weekend when I'm going on a road trip with my awesome sister-in-law and nieces because I'm planning on taking about a million pictures of them!  Also, I've played around with the camera in the last few days and this is what we've come up with so far:

I'll stop there because really, I have like 30 pictures of him I took just last night alone.  The weather's been crap though so I haven't had a chance to really get much else besides my puppy.  The thing I really like about this camera is how you can mess around the the depth of field.  I love how it looks to have the subject in sharp focus and the background all blurry.  AWESOME.

The only problem with having this amazing camera is that everything else is taking a backseat.  I have been on the same book for almost a week.  That's become sort of unheard of around here these days!