Friday, December 31, 2010

First Thing's First

So, I guess the first thing I need to do is decide what I need to do first.  Since I'm Type A, I picked out the things that I can do right now/things I can attempt first.  That would be THIS list:

Easiest Things To Do (Probably?)/Things I'll Probably Attempt First

7. Go to 5 new restaurants (0/5)
12. See a Broadway show
13. Visit 3 museums (0/3)
16. Attend at least 3 book readings (0/3)
17. Buy a cute apron 
19. Own a house
23. Buy a coloring book and color on every page
    28. Start a 401(k)
33. Read 125 books in 2011 (0/125)      
38. Read Gone with the Wind
40. Read all books by Jane Austen
43. Watch every Matt Damon movie
44. Watch every Reese Witherspoon movie
45. Read 20 books from the 1001 Books List (0/20)
47. Watch 20 new-to-me movies (0/20)
48. Read 10 classic books (not including books on this list already) (0/10)
49. Buy a self-help book and try it out
52. Be able to do 200 sit ups in one sitting
55. Start taking vitamins
64. Brush Cooper’s teeth at least once a week for 5 months (0/20)
66. Make a list of the top 10 things I like about myself
70. Pick pictures for my wedding album finally
75. Take at least 25 pictures of family/friends each season and post them in albums online
79. Take letter art pictures (0/26)
89. Give a sincere compliment every day for 7 days in a row (0/7)
90. Teach Cooper 3 new tricks (0/3)
        93. Have date night with hubs 12 times (0/12)
95. Make a list of the top 10 things I like about hubs and give it to him
96. Do 5 random acts of kindness for hubs
97. Volunteer 5 times (0/5)
98. Do 10 things from We Are What We Do ( (0/10)
99. Say I love you to mom 5 times (0/5)
100. Do 5 random acts of kindness (0/5)

Then I picked out 3 things that I'm going to focus on right now.

3 Things To Do
1. Read Gone With the Wind
2. Buy a coloring book and start coloring in it
3. Pick pictures for my wedding album

    I already started Gone with the Wind--twice.  So after I finish reading Pride and Prejudice, I'm going to finish Gone with the Wind.  I already got it out of the library!  It's sitting right next to me!  I will not return it again without having finished it!  

    The next step is for me to pick up a coloring book the next time I'm out.  I'm going to keep it at school so that I can color when the kids are coloring.  That should give me a little time to relax instead of running around and doing extra work.  Plus, sometimes when I color it interests the other kids in coloring and then it makes things much quieter. 

    The wedding pictures thing I'm going to start working on...right now.  God, I'm such a procrastinator! I've been married since May and had the pictures since like July!  It's JANUARY!  I need to pick about 60 pictures and I've already gone through them a ton of times, I just need to figure out what will make the final cut I guess.  I think I'm going to go through the ones that are a definite NO first and that'll narrow down the field a little.  I know the one to the left is a definite yes.  Oh, and if you're in the NY tri-state area, I highly recommend Jason Rhee.  I think I'm going to have a really hard time eliminating pictures because he took such awesome pictures!

1001 Days to do 101 Things

"That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves."
— The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Well, it's the beginning of a new year and I've never been one to make resolutions.  This year, however, I decided to make some resolutions on crack...or do a 101 in 1001 list...whatever you want to call it.  I created this website in order to track my progress (or lack thereof).  This way, maybe I'll sort of have a record of what's going on in life, books I review, movies I see, recipes I try, DIY projects I attempt...all that good stuff.  I figure it'll help keep me motivated and force me to keep up with my list.  Plus, I've always been good at doing things once they're on a list for some reason...  So anyway, here's hoping!  Oh, and I've already crossed on thing off my list: creating this website!

You can see the rest of my list here: 101 things in 1001 days list.